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The UnderGround HK

4.0 ( 9360 ratings )
Développeur Shaun Bowers

Music, showcases and events happening in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong has a vibrant and diverse music scene with everything ranging from alt to rock; punk to world; folk to synth performances, and it’s all waiting to be discovered at local venues. The Underground is your top source for these hidden gems, and our mission is to bring the Hong Kong music scene to the world. We want to you to discover new music and fall in love with Hong Kong musicians. We’ll also help you stay up-to-date on your favourite bands!

The Underground brings you live music, we’ve organised shows for local names like Soler, Kolor and Dear Jane, as well as international musicians and bands such as Brett Anderson and The Damned. After putting together shows for more than 600 bands, The Underground website is a treasure trove of information on the local music scene, and it’s getting bigger all the time. We’ve got thousands of reviews of live performances available on our site for you to browse. We’re also committed to helping local artists kickstart their international careers and connect them to the world, we also work with festivals and other event producers to get top acts from our area on the line-ups.

In addition to our live events and event coverage, The Underground is your first stop for music news and CD reviews. We can help you decide which CDs to add to your collection. We also feature exclusive interviews with local bands that allow you to peek behind the curtains of the Hong Kong music scene.

So stop by often to stay on the pulse of the Hong Kong music scene. No matter what kind of beat you prefer, you’ll find The Underground to be the number one site to connect you to it. Start exploring our collection of reviews and our event listings now!

香港樂界向來多姿多彩,不同類型樂風共冶一爐。從另類到搖滾、朋克到世界音樂、民謠至電子音樂等隱藏於大大小小本地演出場所。The Underground 逐一帶領樂迷去發掘、探索音樂,務求將香港音樂景象推向國際。我們期望你能繼續支持及愛上本地新音樂,並透過我們提供的最新消息留意不同樂隊動向。

The Underground 多年來不間斷為樂迷帶來現場音樂演出,我們曾替本地樂隊Solor、Kolor、Dear Jane;國際樂手及樂隊Brett Anderson, The Damned等舉辦演出。累積超過籌組600場演出經驗後,The Underground網站已收集了豐富的音樂資訊,站內有大量演出評論供大眾瀏覽,內容亦會持續更加。 我們更會聯繫境外機構,協助本地樂隊開拓海外音樂事業;與音樂節及其他活動製作人合作介紹海外樂手到本地樂界。

除了現場音樂演出及其他活動覆蓋外,The Underground亦是你獲取音樂情報及唱片評論的最佳途徑。我們幫助你選取值得收藏的唱片,提供獨家本地樂隊訪問,發掘獨立音樂的另類景象。

請停下來打開香港獨立音樂大門!無論你鍾愛任何類型的旋律節拍,The Underground都能滿足你的需要,與你緊密連繫。現在立刻探索我們的樂評及節目列表吧